Hello again from the Compound Lab!This is post #14.
We’ve been discussing vet compounding for several weeks now—and there’s plenty more left to share!—but this week we’ll take an intermission from pets. Instead, I’ll focus on a topic that’s always in the back of my head (being a pale red-head): sunburns.With temperatures on the rise, many of us are spending more time outside: traveling, gardening, swimming, and so on. Unfortunately, UV rays from the sun are also increasing. If you enjoy the outdoors & haven’t been burned yet, chances are it’s coming (unless you’re like me and bathe in sunscreen).Fortunately, we have a great option to treat sunburns: prescription-strength burn treatment plus aloe in a soothing gel. There’s nothing else like it over-the-counter, and may be a great option for those looking for some extra relief. We can also bill insurance for it, but it’s affordable even for self-pay at just $15 for 30gm!And the best part? You don’t need to see a doctor for it. Due to an agreement with a local physician, we can provide you this burn cream directly from the pharmacy. No extra doctor visit needed. All you have to do is contact us or swing by the pharmacy, and we’ll get you taken care of!As always, we're available in the lab Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm. Or you can email me anytime at brandon.ladage@belewdrugs.com. We’d love to hear from you!
Until next time,
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