Hello again from the Compound Lab!
This is post #10; previous posts can be found earlier on our page (look for them on Fridays!).
This week I'm going to start a multi-post series on a topic I've not touched on yet: veterinary compounding.
I have multiple pets myself (see attached picture) and am an animal person in general, so compounding for them is something I take seriously.
Despite how they may sometimes act, (from a medical perspective) pets are not just smaller people. They have their own unique needs and challenges.
Unfortunately, not all pharmacists are aware of these challenges, which can lead to situations where pets are given medicines that are unsafe for them. The classic example is that xylitol is toxic for dogs, but it is found in almost every non-compound form of liquid gabapentin. I've heard more than one story of an owner accidentally poisoning their own dog because the dispensing pharmacist didn't know xylitol could be harmful to them.
As you might have guessed, we can certainly compound liquid gabapentin without xylitol. But this is just the tip of the iceberg of why compounding is so useful (and even necessary!) for our animal friends.
Stay tuned for the next several weeks as I take a deep dive into the unique world of veterinary compounding—with more pet pictures to come!
As always, we're available in the lab Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm. Or you can email me anytime at brandon.ladage@belewdrugs.com. We’d love to hear from you!
Until next time,
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