Hello again from the Compound Lab!
. We’re now on Week 3 of talking about vet compounds, and I’m going to share a unique type of compounding dosage form that I briefly mentioned last week: pet treats. For those of you new to vet compounding, you may be surprised to hear that we can compound medicine into a pet treat—but we certainly can! Our treats are versatile--most medicines are compatible with them and (like our liquid meds) they can be flavored with any of our pet-friendly options. Plus, they’re soft and relatively small, so even animals that have trouble chewing can take them. The big advantage of pet treats verses traditional capsules or liquids is that they more closely match what pets naturally enjoy. We have a number of pet patients that refuse any capsules or liquids their owners give them, but will happily take their medicine in pet-treat form. If you’re interested in giving them a try, we have free (unmedicated) samples of our pet treats—just give us advance notice to prepare them and we’ll customize the flavor for your particular animal! As always, we're available in the lab Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm. Or you can email me anytime at brandon.ladage@belewdrugs.com. We’d love to hear from you! Until next time, Brandon
For more information on compounding, click here
*The featured pups belong to our compounding tech, Lindsey.